Designer Sign Up
Designer Sign Up
The Monday sales you can't do without!
Tired of having your inventory cluttered with applications and sales submissions,and paying for someone to advertise for you in groups? Would you like hassle free submission, being able to participate even if you do not have a store in-world, and being able to participate and submit from anywhere whether or not logged into SL? Look no further! $69 L Monkey Monday is the Sale group for you! All that is needed is an upload of your image(s) to your MP store, Blog, Flickr, Facebook, Picassa Gallery, and paste links of them when submitting your sales on the submission form. Fool proof submitting!
Monkey Monday will be using category break downs to help make customer browsing easier! Sale starts every Monday morning and ends Monday night. This group was created to break the Monday blues by bringing awesome quality items at a too great to pass price!
In-world and Marketplace stores alike can participate in this sales group!
Vendors can apply by filling out the Creator Joining Form below and submitting. Please read all requirements to make sure you can abide by all before submitting. Rules & Requirements are subject to change.
Rules & Requirements: (subject to change)
- you must be the original creator, builder, designer to participate
- All items listed for sale must have a retail value of $100 L or more
- Image URLs are used. You need to have one of the following to submit: Blog, Flickr, Marketplace, Facebook, Photo Bucket, Picassa Gallery or another form of submitting an image URL.
- You will be required to display the Monkey Monday kiosk in your store at all times or add our blog address to your marketplace sale item listing.
- Customers must be able to find the sale item without having to search for it
- Items must be displayed in a clear easy to find spot
- You or your manager must join the Monkey Monday group no ifs and's or buts
- You must participate at least once a month
- You must send out the sales note card that lists all vendors participating for that week through your groups, kiosks, etc. Whether or not you participate that particular week.
- Last but not least: NO resellers, Children(at your own risk since there may be some adult oriented items), NO BIAB, NO breedables.
If you can abide by the above rules & requirements go ahead and join below and hit submit. Please give a couple days for a reply. If you do not hear from us within 5 days please apply again. If you have any questions please contact:
sinfullysaucy spiritor in-world.